Guides Team

Project Overview



Location: Remote

Links: GitHub, Slack, Overview


The Hack for LA Guides Team project is creating guides and templates from the effective practices that HfLA has developed and iterated from our projects. HfLA Guides aim to share replicable processes and practices from Engineering, UI/UX, Product Management, Data Science, Marketing Fundraising, DevOps, Admin, and Professional Development. The project seeks to further grow HfLA’s peer learning and iterative culture, and ultimately improve outcomes for the entire civic tech ecosystem.

Current Project Team

Name: Bonnie Wolfe

Role: Agile Coach

Name: Sarah Edwards

Role: Product Manager

Name: Ayma Rahman

Role: Product Manager

Name: Mary Gabrielian

Role: Product Manager

Name: Rhoda Michael

Role: UX Research Lead

Name: Aditya Soni

Role: Product Manager

Name: Jesus Diaz

Role: Product Manager

Name: France Chan

Role: Product Manager

All-Time Contributors