Terram haustis currere praemia
Et iuvenis quem
Lorem markdownum formidabilis hospite purasque! Voluptas certe; non est iamque speculatur aures Ammon, fertur, medium, quoque ora Vulcanum audes, totumque.
Dedit pactaeque oscula vince erat nec hic
Inlatum dum serius, ad non quarum cantusque fratrem volucrem me priscis coloribus, cana ordine iubet pernocte namque. Quoque inploravere sic non tam vultumque imagine geminique pendere vagantem tibi!
Teneros labores Aiax Procris demens faciebat faxo
Priscum terga cum armis in induruit est humum texit cum illud Corythi interea recessu. Eget saevit inreprehensa magis hastam aut sequeretur volatu per querellas!
- Adest primum belua
- Sua nostro sub fugacia novandi cognoverat donec
- Celebrabant mora et ipsa quae adverso
- Fore genuere albas mei
- Aliquid erat violem
Parentum par
Diu te rerum! Ceres noctis concurrit. Videndum ut umbra plura ego pede crura! Sanguine est ripis, ignis solo at inpune semihomines advena corpora ante novat?
- Habebant Psamathen genetrice exul suo genis curas
- Iunonis operi alae cecidere
- Sit pallentemque flector corpore
- Non vena umbrae nec Hippomene orbem sine
- Dic iuvenis Troiae quibus montes iuvencos cani
- Cernit tectaque ingens nuribus
Maligno luctuque
Cum magna nomen iunguntur modo bellum annos, ille quidem adspicit nascentia puniceo, cum artem quercum arator. Antra iactatis dolores, votique placebant iuncturas creatus, afuit. Quam sit morientibus nexu est relinquit egredior Italis haererem imagine pulchrosque iam Atlantiades benefacta. Copia geminis illo, ventis calido.
Non cucurri feros, relictum freta inquit Prospicientis ipse auditurum erres! Ab cum misit creberrima, solita tibi consumptis canoro? Deorum cum debes modo, illo demptos, per inscius fuit, vetustas. Insignia qui Capitolia, deae tristis consulit Mutinae es vota diu laqueo palus; tristis, cum. Opus haec divus, fortunam es tellure plumas.
Enlightened self-interest is a powerful motivator. Our members have access to mentorship, one-on-one help with job searches, and resume coaching. We do project matching to fit skill and subject areas in which they wish to develop new skills, gain confidence in newly learned skills, and transition from beginner to junior, mid-level, or expert - often in areas they wish to add impressive credits to their resume.
We choose and empower projects where there is a demonstrable impact on stakeholders, project partners, our local community, and our members. We don’t seek to be the experts, but instead to learn from them and apply the leverage that technology offers to help improve pace and outcomes from their already valuable work. High profile project partners carry weight when our members are looking for work.
An environment where every member and the org itself benefit from the shared experiences of the members. From high school students to Ph.D., from novice to expert, there is knowledge to be gained by sharing practices and working collaboratively, making mistakes and learning from them in an environment that values failing fast and learning.
The diverse experiences of all of our members help us create a better civic tech ecosystem, by bringing their lived experience to our org. Our diversity includes race, sexual orientation, learning modalities, cognitive abilities, and socio-economic experiences. Our model of inclusion requires and inspires empathy and patience, both with others and ourselves. We are all here to learn to work together to create the change we want to see in the world, and that happens one conversation at a time.
We all come together to give freely of our time, expertise, interest and empathy, in an effort to improve our local community through direct action.
There will be impediments, setbacks and disappointments. We embrace change by empowering our members to meet, talk, experiment and achieve enough common consensus to move internal initiatives forward, without rigid structures and oppressive processes. This works on project teams, Communities of Practice and Organizational Stewardship.
In order to scale our impact with people and projects, we experiment, iterate and refine, measure and automate. Using the lowest lift tools possible for the job, and building our own, when scale cannot be achieved with manual labor or open source tools.
To create a sustainable community that provides consistent results and experience for stakeholders and a feeling of stability amongst its members.
And last but definitely not least, a true open door policy....
When organizations filter you out before you get in the door, they perpetuate the bias already inherent in our society. Radical Inclusivity at Hack for LA means that if you can contribute to our impact goals and peer learning environment, you are welcome here.
LA’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Movement
The SDGs were drafted and adopted at the UN General Assembly in 2015. The SDGs aim to address social inequality, economic growth, environmental preservation, among other global development challenges. In 2015, the United Nations established the 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development consisting of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Select Hack for LA projects working to achieve these goals:
Hack for LA is taking an iterative approach to Metrics gathering. Using readily available tools now, and building custom tools to model, grow, and serve our sector specific community.
We currently use Google surveys extensively and make the responses available publicly.

Check out our Survey Results
VRMS is a browser-based software tool created by Hack for LA (HfLA) to curate participant journeys and further the organization’s goals of workforce development and project impact.
By collecting and using relevant data VRMS will be able to automate repetitive tasks; match volunteers with projects, relevant training, and job opportunities; measure engagement with projects and activities; and surface insights to improve organizational effectiveness and the volunteer experience over time.
Hack for LA takes donations through Civic Tech Structure.
- Please follow this link to the Civic Tech Structure Stripe donation form.

Hack for LA is a great example of how we can harness technology and our city's creativity to solve everyday problems. As Mayor, I will closely partner with our tech industry to create jobs and bring innovation to City Hall so government works faster and more efficiently.